Logie Coldstone Hall 'A New Lease of Life'

Managed by:

Logie Coldstone Trust


Project Description

The project is to completely refurbish Logie Coldstone Hall and increase energy efficiency with the installation of an air source heat pump, now double glazed windows and improved insulation.  External landscaping will be carried out and accessibility will also be improved. 

The Hall is a fine red granite building serving the needs of the Logie Cldstone area.  Wide community consultation has been carried out and there is strong support for the proposals from the varied user groups who regularly use the Hall.


Quote from Participating Organisation

Anne Mathers, Trustee and Company Secretary of Logie Coldstone Trust, said:

“Logie Coldstone Trust members are absolutely delighted to have secured LEADER funding.  This grant will help us unlock other streams of funding so that Logie Coldstone Hall can get a new lease of life and play a big part in revitalising the community.”


Financial Breakdown


Total Project Costs


Total Eligible Costs



Public Match Funding


Private Match Funding


In Kind Match Funding




LEADER % on Eligible Costs



Contact Details


Anne Mathers


01339 881539

