Wildlife Crime Education Officer
Managed by:
Grampian Police Representing Partnership Against Wildlife Crime (PAW)
Project Description
This is a joint application with Moray LEADER to promote community and educational awareness of wildlife crime. The project will create a new 3-year post of Wildlife Crime Education Officer to deliver a range of awareness raising and prevention priorities to school pupils, encouraging respect and pride in the environment. Education and practical workshops are a vital role in wildlife crime prevention. The Officer will also work with Landowners and Land Managers. North East Grampian Police are pioneers in this area and the post, which is a first for Scotland, may be considered for roll-out across Scotland following this project.
Quote from Participating Organisation
Superintendent Alan Smailes, Grampian Police on behalf of the Steering Group of the Partnership Against Wildlife Crime
We are very grateful for this funding which will make a huge difference to our work combating Wildlife Crime in Grampian. It will allow us to improve our capacity to raise awareness of what is and isn't legal activity, increase our pro-active education about the issue, help us reduce the incidences of Wildlife Crime in the region as well as hopefully promote understanding about how valuable the natural world is for all of us.
Financial Breakdown |
£ |
Total Project Costs |
140,000 |
Total Eligible Costs |
140,000 |
Public Match Funding |
102,200 |
Private Match Funding |
0 |
In Kind Match Funding |
0 |
37,800 |
LEADER % on Eligible Costs |
27% |
Contact Details |
Contact |
Andrew Snowie |
Telephone |
01224 305220 |
andrew.snowie@grampian.pnn.police.uk |