Stirling Hill Access Network

Managed by:

Boddam & District Community Association


Project Description


The project will create a new network of paths in the vicinity of Stirling Hill, by Boddam.  The local community association has collaborated with Boddam Estates in order to supplement the wider complex of core paths in the region.  Signage and interpretation will also be implemented to encourage use of the network by local residents as well as tourists.  A leaflet promoting the path network will be distributed in local outlets.


Quote from Participating Organisation


Betty May, Chairperson of Boddam and District Community Association

Our little Community Association have embarked on this large Boddam Pathways Project which opens up the countryside around Stirling Hill, Boddam, not only for the enjoyment of locals but with an eye towards a much wider usage by tourists and others whom we want to come to spend some peaceful quality time with us here in the north-east.  

The LEADER funding helps not only to give us confidence to press on with what we have to do but will greatly aid us to lever in more funding from other sources. Indeed, it has been a ‘vote of confidence’ in our ability to deliver this, the latest of our development projects.  Since our first project in 2000 which gave Boddam a village clock, we have had a succession of projects adding up to almost £100,000.  LEADER will do much more and with incremental additions over the years will make Boddam an attractive place to visit.  It will be another step towards our ultimate goal of making Boddam a holiday coastal village with things to do.


Financial Breakdown


Total Project Costs


Total Eligible Costs




Public Match Funding


Private Match Funding


In Kind Match Funding




LEADER % on Eligible Costs



Contact Details


Betty May


01779 477608
