Turriff Motorfest 2011

Managed by:

Turriff & District Ltd


Project Description


The project is to organise and run a one-day Motorfest Event in Turriff which will offer a range of displays of vintage and modern cars and motorcycles as well as demonstrations of motor skills and road safety.  The project will use young people’s interest in cars as a catalyst to increase awareness of road safety and help reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on the roads.  A series of local workshops on road safety will be offered to young people in advance of the main event. 

This new, innovative, one-off event will be a first for Scotland.  The range of attractions proposed for the event has the potential to attract a high number of visitors to the area providing increased benefits for the local economy, whilst delivering a serious message about road safety.


Quote from Participating Organisation

Carolyn Maniukiewicz, Co-ordinator at Turriff and District and Director of Ideas In Partnership

We are absolutely delighted to accept the award on behalf of Turriff and

District Ltd.  The motorfest is an event that is welcomed by the whole

community on a variety of levels, those being to encourage safe driving and

the love of driving and also to create a sustainable event that will bring

economic benefit to Turriff and the surrounding catchment areas.

The event is also one that has captured the imagination of young and old

alike as whether you are interested in classic cars or modified cars your

pride in your motor vehicle is the same.


Financial Breakdown


Total Project Costs


Total Eligible Costs




Public Match Funding


Private Match Funding


In Kind Match Funding




LEADER % on Eligible Costs



Contact Details


Carolyn Maniukiewicz


01771 644163

